Surprise Party Quilt Pattern

I’m so thrilled to announce that the Surprise Party Quilt pattern is now available in both printed and PDF formats in the shop! This quilt has been such a fun experience from the time it was a ‘Mystery Quilt’ for my local guild that I presented as a block of the month, to the several times I have had the pleasure of teaching it in a workshop, to now finally seeing it in print!

The good news is that the quilt comes in 4 size options and with 3 border options, so you can make it exactly how you like it for any size you need! The chart for sizes and yardage requirements includes all of the combinations you might choose.

The quilt block is a fun variation on the “disappearing block” idea. We piece a log cabin (courthouse steps style) then slice the block in half each direction. Instead of turning the units, we add four strips and a center square to make the whole thing come together in a fun way. The center square and the strips can be different for every block, or the same. It just depends on the look you want.

The pattern offers design and piecing tips for you to consider. The full color photos and diagrams are beautiful! And as always, the download version has the background colors omitted to save your ink cartridge from running out! You still get the beautiful photos, but don’t have to waste pricey ink on the filler colors.

Find the Printed pattern HERE

Find the download pattern HERE

I hope you enjoy making this quilt as much as I have enjoyed sharing it with so many quilting friends!

Enjoy Every Stitch! Diane

New Trunk Show


10 Minute Tip