10 Minute Tip

Do you ever feel like you have too many tabs open in the browser of your brain? Do you feel like you can't focus on one thing because there are so many things that need dealing with? Do you ever feel like no matter how much you do, it'll never all get done? Or is that just me? 

If you've ever met me you know that lists are my love language. They keep me focused and calm. They allow me to believe that I can actually get my life organized. For the most part, it works. So here's the list I made this morning when I was feeling overwhelmed by life and so many things that need to be done (DISCLAIMER: these are all things I WANT to do! I am NOT complaining, I am simply planning a strategy!) 

  1. Make a list...Ha!

  2. Keep moving forward (don't dwell on the current issue)

  3. Planner update (let your planner be your brain)

  4. Manage emails (an organized inbox is beautiful!)

  5. Schedule and pre-post online and social  media content

  6. Schedule studio time (quilting is therapy!)

  7. Read a book!

  8. Move your body.

  9. Learn a new skill.

  10. Connect with a friend.

Does this mean my entire day goes as planned? Do I keep a rigid schedule? Do stay up at night until all items are checked off the list? Heck NO! But I let the list do the worrying for me and I refer back to it when I start to get overwhelmed. What do you do to make time for the things you enjoy? I would love to hear your suggestions in the comments.




On the road again…

