FAQ… Scrap Quilt Edition

I get the same questions over and over! I actually love that because it means lots of quilters think alike, and we all face many of the same challenges. Sometimes knowing how someone else approaches an idea is all the motivation we need to find our own answers. Here are some of my favorite and most frequent questions I get about SCRAP QUILTING.

How do you keep your scrap quilts from looking like the scrap bin just threw up?

I don’t use everything in the scrap bin! I start with an idea (like plaid or print) or a color (aqua or pink) and look for those first. I then add things that play well with that idea or color. Then I progress to light, medium and dark variations of those. It kind of snowballs, but I always keep the original idea in mind.

How do you make your scrap quilts look so organized?

I always leave something out. Like a single color, or a type of print. I also like to use contrast from one block to the next or one section of the quilt to the next. Large color blocks (or contrast areas) create an overall design. The individual scraps have more impact when they are surrounded by similar and complimentary fabrics.

Why do you love scrap quilts so much?

I slept under an amazing quilt as a child. It was made up of so many beautiful colors and prints and I spent hours thinking of stories for all the little animals and prints that I loved so much. I even played ‘eye spy’ with my sister as we searched all those tiny hexies for things like the girl with the umbrella and the blue bird. The quilt was made by my great grandmother, and I never met her, but I felt like that quilt was a hug from her.

How do you make so many quilts?

I don’t make more quilts than many other quilters, but I do finish most of my quilts. I don’t like to have too many going at one time, so finishing is a way to keep things going and getting the reward of starting a new quilt! I think it helps that I really like quilting and binding, so getting to those steps is motivation in itself.

How do you store all of your scraps?

I don’t. I pass lots of scraps onto friends or donate them to charity. I do like to keep the best ones organized though. They start in a basket and as it gets filled, I will designate an hour or so to sorting and pressing and then cutting them into strips. I save strips folded in bins. I sort them by size, and then by color. I also sort all of my smaller pieces of fabric in color or on shelves. I have tried other methods, but I find being able to see my fabrics at a glance really helps me find what I’m looking for.

Do you quilt all the time?

Quilting makes me happy! So I try to find time to stitch almost every day. I keep a handwork basket ready for moments when I can pick it up for a few minutes, I also keep pieces cut for blocks so I can sit at the machine and start sewing without needing to search for everything first. But I love to read and garden and hike, so I try to keep a balance. My other loves always seem to inspire quilting ideas!

Where do all your fabric scraps come from?

Other quilts or projects of course. But the real secret is that while I usually start with scraps, I always add fabrics from my stash. If I need more of one color, it’s so easy to go look in the closet and find just what I need. Once I’ve cut it, it’s technically a scrap isn’t it?

Why do you love selvages so much?

Because they are the scrappiest of scraps. Using selvages means that absolutely no part of the fabric went to waste and I love the idea that each and every bit gets to sparkle and shine!

So many questions like these inspired both of the books I’ve written. I wrote SCRAP QUILT SECRETS to explore how I design with scraps and STRIP QUILT SECRETS focuses on many of my favorite techniques for using scraps.

Leave a comment about your favorite way to use or organize your scraps and I’ll have a giveaway! The winner can choose which book they would like to receive for free!

Enjoy Every Stitch!   Diane

Scrap Quilt Secrets


So Much to Celebrate!